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Saturday, June 17, 2017

Tube Tester Transformer Repair

Restoring your vintage tube testers? Found out that your tube tester has burnt transformers? No problem at all! Look for J&K Audio Design. We will get your tube tester transformers repaired in no time (well, in some time actually since they're quite difficult to repair due to massive output taps).

We even retained the original outer layer of "skin" to enable builder to easily recognize the taps.

Tube tester transformers

Repaired tube tester transformers

tube tester transformers
We can repair all of them, be it Hickok tube tester, B&K tube tester, Sencore tube tester, WE tube tester, Teletest tube tester, Heathkit tube tester, or any other tube tester you can find. As long as they are having transformers not potted in epoxy, we can repair them.

So, what are you waiting now? Time to get those tube testers, whether it is damaged or not, for your tube amplifier DIY hobby. Maybe you're lucky enough to get one damaged one at dirt cheap price, and just spend a little to restore them to their previous glory.

J&K Audio Design

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