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Thursday, September 3, 2020

The best power transformer for audio!

The best power transformer for audio has just gone even better! Our Level 3 Ultra Isolation Power Transformers design has just been improved and enhanced with even better isolation properties and grounding techniques to achieve even lower noise than before. 

For those who are unaware of what Ultra Isolation Power Transformers (UIPT) are, here are 2 main pages we talk about our ultra isolation transformer or ultra isolation power transformer. If you have not tried it, you have to die-die (as we say it in locally) try one. The performance is Heaven and Earth apart from the ordinary on-the-shelf stuff.  

There is a price to pay but the ROI is well worth it. It is much better than just upgrading power cords or add more 3rd party gadgets to lower noise floor. 

Why do one use Ultra Isolation Power Transformer (UIPT)? In short, UIPT is a combination of power transformer with ultra isolation properties. You get the lowest noise and darkest background out of this by just 1 UIPT instead of the usual isolation transformer then power transformer combo.

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All the best for audio! 

J&K Audio Design


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Level 0: link 1

Level 1: link 1, link 2, link 3, link 4

Level 2: link 1, link 2, link 3, link 4, link 5, link 6, link 7, Link 8, link 9

Level 3: depends on type, size and complexity. Email us for details.

Iso-trans: link 1, link 2

Power-trans: link 1

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