Output transformer for 212 tube. If you are a fan of high power class A single ended direct heated Triode, then you should take a look at this tube - 212. It has a plate dissipation of 275 Watts! Say if we go with 20% efficiency of class A Triode designs, we are looking at a staggering 50W output power!
Western Electric 212E
If you cannot find Western Electric or STC 212 tubes, worry not! Psvane has come up with a replica and is rumored to be as good as it gets!
Psvane 212
This tube has been featured in a HK magazine - read about it here.
We have received an order for Level 3 Nanocrystalline double C core output transformer for this tube and therefore we'd like to share the results with our followers as well. It is a 22KG pair of state of the art output transformers! For those that knows output transformer design, they would have understand how difficult it is to design a big size wide bandwidth output transformer as the parameters actually work against the results.
double C core
power: 70W (20Hz)
frequency response
(-0.23dB) – 1kHz (0dB) – 20kHz (-0.41dB), 8 Ohm, 1W
bandwidth: 5Hz – 70kHz -3dB
impedance: 5KΩ,secondary: 0-6-8Ω
DCR: 130.1Ω (130.2Ω)(B-P,26℃)
DCR: 0-6Ω tap
- 0.27Ω,0-8Ω tap
- 0.31Ω
inductance 28.9H(28.1)(measured at primary current 150mA,20Hz,5Vrms)
current: 280mA (maximum), recommended optimal at 150mA
condition: Shuguang 845 x2 (parallel), plate voltage 1000V, plate current 150mA,fixed bias, and
secondary 0-8Ωtap connected 8Ω, power at 1W.
Matching results:
· Primary
DCR <2%(0.2Ω)
· Primary
inductance <5%(0.9H)
212 Output Transformer Frequency Response |
This pair is a very decent price of U$1300.
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